Dave Ramsey: FMPerception and FMComparison

Dave Ramsey joins Jeremy to talk about Dev Tools for developers, specifically FMPerception and the newest product (coming soon) FMComparison. Dave points out three (four) lesser-known features of the realtime developer tool, and he talks about the use case surrounding FMComparison.
Here are the links mentioned in this episode.

Dave Ramsey @designdb
Realtime Developer Intelligence Tool
Dave's podcast: Project Update with co host Joe Simpson

The three less-known features of FMPerception are:
  1. Auto-open XML Database Design Reports in FMPerception.
  2. Text Search area
  3. Flagged Functions
  4. (BONUS): Copy/paste Sidebar of a script or a field.
  • Beta is out soon (macOS first, then WIndows)
  • Current FMPerception customers will get access to the beta.
  • Current FMPerception customers will get this tool for free.

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